Posts tagged podcast
Two new podcasts! Take a listen...

May has been podcast month! I have been recording 2 or so a week, including some fun big name ones that should be coming out in the next few months.

I do not usually post here when a new podcast comes out, but since 2 episodes came out within a few days of each other, I thought it would be a good time to remind you of the media section where you can find a list of all the podcasts that I have been on:

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Notes on being Different

Today I had a fun chat with Dave Lukas, the curator of the Misfit Entrepreneur podcast, to see if I would be a good fit for his podcast (turns out that I am because we scheduled one - stay tuned!) and we got to talking about the theme of his show that I really resonate with - essentially the idea that all Entrepreneurs are Misfits or in maybe more likeable terms - different. We are out of the box thinkers and people who see the world at a unique angle or viewpoint and find inspiration in that space between.

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